Bookmarks 2015

  • Choosing an HTTP Status Code

    Flow charts making it easy to determine which http status code to return

  • Jupyter Notebook

    A web application that allows you to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations and explanatory text. Uses include: data cleaning and transformation, numerical simulation, statistical modeling, machine learning and much more. The Notebook has support for over 40 programming languages, including those popular in Data Science such as Python, R, Julia and Scala.

  • Agate

    A Python data analysis library that is optimized for humans instead of machines.

  • Expose

    A simple static site generator for photoessays


    Helps you analyze your website speed and performance based on performance best practices and timing metrics. It collects data from multiple pages on your website, analyze them using the rules and output the result as HTML or send the metrics to Graphite.

  • unorphan.js

    Prevent text orphans

  • Typeplate » A typographic starter kit encouraging great type on the Web

  • HATCHSHOW - a jQuery typesetting plugin for balancing measures

    Adjust font size to fill a given space with text

  • Scala Tutorial: Getting Started with Scala

    A short introduction to scala, showing the basic language features (not as in-depth as Twitter's scala school, but perhaps a good start)

  • The Penetration Testers Framework (PTF)

    Python script to automatically download/update/compile a large set of penetration testing tools

  • slate

    Write API documentation in Markdown; generates nice-looking website.

  • Frida

    Allows the injection of javascript code in arbitrary binaries. Works for applications both on the local machine as on Android and iOS.

  • pupy in-memory reverse shell

    A reverse shell similar to meterpreter, written in python

  • PE Injector

    http proxy which modifies in-stream PE binaries (adds payload)

  • Hardware Security Resources

    Long list of papers, blog posts, and other resources related to hardware security and hardware hacking.

  • Qubes OS

    An open-source operating system designed to provide strong security for desktop computing using Security by Compartmentalization

  • Big list of naughty strings

    Strings potentially causing different kind of trouble (unicode multibyte characters, various injection attacks, etc.)

  • Effective Scala

    Twitter's collection of Scala best practices

  • Scala School

    Twitter's step-by-step introduction to the Scala language

  • Scala Exercises | The easy way to learn Scala

    Programming koans (exercises) introducing the Scala language

  • Scala PPrint

    Pretty-printing library for scala - nicely formats output of (nested) lists; an alternative to the default toString method.

  • How to undo (almost) anything with Git

    A collection of "how to"-recipes for undoing stuff in git

  • Locust - A modern load testing framework

    An open source load testing tool. Write your behaviour in Python. Similar to Gatling (with the exception of the recording feature).

  • retrolambda - Backport of Java8's lambdas to Java 5/6/7

    Retrolambda lets you run Java 8 code with lambda expressions, method references and try-with-resources statements on Java 7, 6 or 5. It does this by transforming your Java 8 compiled bytecode so that it can run on an older Java runtime. After the transformation they are just a bunch of normal .class files, without any additional runtime dependencies.

  • An Introduction to Content Security Policy

    Overview over the different options of the Content-Security-Policy header.

  • scalaxb - XML databinding for Scala

    jaxb-like xml bindings for Scala, including maven and sbt support for automatically generating stubs for given xls/wsdl files.

  • mountebank

    Multi-Protocol, Multi-Language Test Foubles Over the Wire See also

  • Pacto

    Pacto helps you test consumers by both validating and stubbing services. Vice versa, Pacto will test the provider implementation and make sure it complies with the same contract used to stub the service for consumers.

  • pact

    Enables consumer driven contract testing, providing a mock service and DSL for the consumer project, and interaction playback and verification for the service provider project.

  • Clean Thesis — A LaTeX Style for Thesis Documents

    A beautiful-looking LaTeX template for thesis documents (and the like)

  • Finding a path to enlightenment in Programming Language Theory

    Links to resources to different areas of programming language theory (ordered by ease to understand)

  • Polymer

    The Polymer library is designed to make it easier and faster for developers to create great, reusable components for the modern web. With custom elements, you can extend the vocabulary of HTML with your own elements.

  • scalajs-react

    Lifts Facebook's React library into Scala.js and endeavours to make it as type-safe and Scala-friendly as possible. Provides (opt-in) support for pure functional programming, using Scalaz and Monocle. Comes utility modules helpful for React in Scala(.js), rather than React in JS.Includes a router, testing utils, performance utils, more. See also

  • Linux Insides

    A series of posts about the linux kernel and its insides; for people who are interested in the linux kernel internals and other low-level subject matter.

  • Frontend-Cheat-Sheets

    Collection of cheat sheets for your frontend development needs & reference

  • CryptoBib

    A BibTeX database containing papers related to Cryptography, with manually checked entries and uniform BibTeX data.

  • xsv - A fast CSV toolkit written in Rust

    xsv is a command line program for indexing, slicing, analyzing, splitting and joining CSV files. Commands should be simple, fast and composable.

  • rest-assured - Java DSL for easy testing of REST services

    Testing and validating REST services in Java is harder than in dynamic languages such as Ruby and Groovy. REST Assured brings the simplicity of using these languages into the Java domain.

  • pfff - Tools for code analysis, visualizations, or style-preserving source transformation.

    pfff is a set of tools and APIs to perform some static analysis (e.g. to find bugs), dynamic analysis, source code indexing, code search, code visualizations, code navigations, or style-preserving source-to-source transformations such as refactorings on source code.

  • Infer static code analyzer

    Facebook Infer is a static analysis tool - if you give Infer some Objective-C, Java, or C code, it produces a list of potential bugs.

  • Memory Probleme in Java – Fehleranalyse Chart

    Different memory problems with java, the corresponding typical error messages, and possible causes.

  • Makerbook - The best free resources for creatives.

    Hand-selected link list to free design resources (fonts, photos, etc.)

  • Git Repository of CS Papers

    Lots of read-worthy computer science documents, managed in a git annex repo

  • Herding Cats

    Tutorial for cats, a functional library (and an alternative to scalaz) for scala

  • 21 CSS techniques I used for my new about me page

    Great wrap-up of modern CSS writing techniques.

  • scodec

    scodec is a suite of Scala libraries for working with binary data. Support ranges from simple, performant data structures for working with bits and bytes to streaming encoding and decoding.

  • Sysdig

    The New (Definitive) System Troubleshooting Tool. Capture system state and activity from a running Linux instance, then save, filter and analyze. Think of it as strace + tcpdump + lsof + awesome sauce. With a little Lua cherry on top.

  • Kiwi.JS

    An Open Source HTML5 and Javascript game engine. Deploys games to web, and mobile apps.

  • Dependency Injection in Scala

    Guide to using dependency injection in Scala, mainly using MacWire, but introducing different approaches as well.

  • InfluxDB

    An open-source, distributed, time series database with no external dependencies.

  • OpenTSDB

    A Distributed, Scalable Monitoring System. Based on hbase and cassandra.

  • KairosDB

    KairosDB is a fast distributed scalable time series database written on top of Cassandra.

  • Druid

    Real-time Exploratory Analytics on Large Datasets

  • Comcast network failure simulator

    Simulates slow/unreliable network connections by trafficshaping an actual network interface. Great for testing the behaviour of an application under bad network conditions.

  • Pwntools

    Library with handy tools for pentesting / ctf contests (look at the write-ups repo for examples).