Zitate-Fundus für Programmierer

Zwei wun­der­ba­re Samm­lun­gen vol­ler be­mer­kens­wer­ter bzw. (frei­wil­lig oder un­frei­wil­lig) ko­mi­scher Sprü­che: 101 Great Com­pu­ter Pro­gramming Quo­tes und 101 More Great Com­pu­ter Quo­tes. Ein paar La­cher vor­ne­weg:

"I've no­ti­ced late­ly that the pa­ra­no­id fear of com­pu­ters be­co­m­ing in­tel­li­gent and ta­king over the world has al­most ent­i­re­ly disap­peared from the com­mon cul­tu­re. Near as I can tell, this co­in­ci­des with the re­lease of MS-DOS." (Larry De­Lu­ca) -- da ist was dran :-)

"There are two major pro­ducts that come out of Ber­ke­ley: LSD and UNIX. We don't be­lie­ve this to be a co­in­ci­dence." (Je­re­my S. An­der­son) -- kein Kom­men­tar, ich ver­mis­se nur die Far­ben...

"Fifty years of pro­gramming lan­gua­ge re­se­arch, and we end up with C++?" (Ri­chard A. O'Keefe) -- wie wahr!

"There are only two things wrong with C++: The in­iti­al con­cept and the im­ple­men­ta­ti­on." (Bertrand Meyer) -- siehe oben.

"Code ge­ne­ra­ti­on, like drin­king al­co­hol, is good in mo­dera­ti­on." (Alex Lowe) -- ich werd's aus­rich­ten...